Blue Type IIR Surgical Mask with three layers and CE marking (Box 50 units) EXCP

Blue Type IIR Surgical Mask with three layers and CE marking (Box 50 units) EXCP  
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Reference: 3500A


The Type IIR Surgical Mask has been manufactured with three layers of non-woven fabric and filtering fabric, it has a moldable nose strip in Steel+PP and two soft adjustment rubber bands.


- 1st LAYER: Non-Woven Fabric 25g

- 2nd LAYER: Melt-Blown 25g

- 3rd LAYER: Non-Woven Fabric 20g

Technical characteristics:

- Clip Nose: 11 cm

- Adjustment elastics: 17.5 cm

- Mask measures: 17.5 x 9.5 cm

- Color blue

- Latex, Graphene and Fiberglass free mask and rubber bands, does not cause irritation

Regulations and Use:

- Product Complies with EU Regulation 2017/745 on medical devices - Class I

- Product Manufactured under the standards of ISO 13485:2003+AC2007.

- The Mask meets the requirements of the EN 14683:2019+AC2019 standard

- Test No: GPL3J3KO235225L1

- CNAS Accredited Laboratory No: L0412

- Test No: GPL3J3KO235235L1

- CNAS Accredited Laboratory No: L0412

Bacterial Filtration Efficiency >= 98%

· Breathability/Differential Pressure < 60%

· Microbial Cleanliness/Biological Load <= 30 UF/g

Pressure Splash Resistance >=16

Instructions for use:

- Check the state of the mask and expiration before use.

- Do not use the mask for more than 4 hours

- Wash your hands before using the mask and only touch the rubber of the mask

- Place the mask over the nose/mouth and pass the rubber bands behind the ears.

- Properly adjust the nose strap and chin area.

- Avoid at all times touching or manipulating the mask during use.

Logistics Information:


Labeling According to Standard 14683:2019+AC:2019 and Class I Sanitary Product.


Store in a dry, clean place and at temperatures between 5º and 35º. Do not expose directly to sunlight